Requested Mobile Covid-19 Testing Comes Right to Our Ojakian Commons Community
Many residents at Ojakian Commons are at higher risk for difficulties from the Covid-19 virus. Management has been working hard to assure that Ojakian Commons remains a safe and healthy environment. Ownership and Management have teamed up with leadership and staff at three expert agencies: the UCONN Health MS Center, the Mandell MS Center at Trinity Health in Hartford, and the National MS Society for regular planning discussions to assure we are meeting the needs of our residents at Ojakian Commons. In addition to enhanced cleaning protocols and safety measures at the building, this team effort has worked to deliver masks, gloves, and hand sanitizer to the building in this time of enhanced risk.
Outreach to our residents has been ongoing, on a weekly basis or more to assure no one is left in an isolated situation or in need of basic items for living. Shawana Jenkins, our site manager, and others have worked to basic staples for people so they won’t have to put themselves at high risk shopping in the local stores. As part of our ongoing outreach, a number of residents requested Covid-19 testing for themselves and those who work at or visit the building. Marina Creed, A.P.R.N of UCONN Health answered that call, and proactively found mobile testing. On Friday June 19th, Charter Oak Health Center’s mobile testing team came right to Ojakian Commons’ parking lot for a “private testing event”, conducted safely with appropriate social distancing.

Residents, Ojakian Commons Staff, frequent family visitors to the building and aides to Ojakian Commons residents all participated in the testing. Thanks to Marina Creed and the fantastic, caring team at Charter Oak Health Center, our residents can arm themselves with knowledge, and the peace of mind that comes from the results of these tests.

We are so thankful to so many people for making Friday’s testing event possible. First, we thank the whole Charter Oak Team, including Yolanda Potter, and TJ Clark — they made our residents a priority! Additionally, we’d like to thank Property Manager Shawana Jenkins and Superintendent Orlando Martir for all of the work they did getting the word out to residents and organizing for the event — not to mention everything they do to make our residents safe on a daily basis.
We’d also like to thank our team of professionals meeting on a regular basis to address health and safety issues during the pandemic. That includes National MS Society President Lisa Gerrol as well as Abigail Vacca and Meridith Sheridan of the Society, Dr. Jaime Imetola and Marina Creed of UCONN Health’s MS Center, Matthew Farr of Trinity Health’s Mandell MS Center, and DeMarco Management’s Sherrie Garner and Matthew Fontaine. This fantastic and dedicated group of professionals have worked hard to make sure Ojakian Commons’ residents can be safe and healthy.

We are so lucky to have their energy and dedication to our residents! The Covid-19 Testing is but one example of what is being done to make Ojakian Commons a safe, warm and welcoming community.