Victory Mills Marches Ahead
Regan Development is working to save a historic mill in Victory, New York. Vacant for almost 20 years, this beautiful piece of Saratoga history needs substantial work to restore it to its former glory. The Victory Mill began operating as a cotton mill in 1846. In 1928 it was closed and moved to Alabama. Later it re-opened and operated under several different ownerships producing paper products and performing graphic printing. The mill closed in 2000 — and now it is coming back.
Here are two articles on recent developments for the Victory Mill.

Regan Development is looking to turn a crumbling industrial relic into an apartment complex, and last week won one approval needed to move forward. The Saratoga County Industrial Development Agency approved a 30-year, payment-in-lieu-of-taxes agreement. The mill is five stories and 220,000 square feet, a seemingly indestructible behemoth made of concrete and old-growth timber. However, as recently as 2018, there was a danger of losing this historic structure.
Regan Development is now working to complete the financing package to allow an amazing transformation, creating 98 brand new state of the art apartments for rent. Keep an eye on this space as the development proceeds.